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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Preparing Your Child for Preschool: St. Patrick’s Day Preschool Craft Project – St. Patrick’s Day Hats

Supplies You Will Need:

Construction Paper (Green and White)
Markers or Crayons
Glue Stick
Pipe Cleaners for Crafts


Cut out two strips of paper, which will wrap around your child’s head. Folding a piece of construction paper the long way to create four strips works great for us. This approach will make two hats.

Next, have your child decorate their strips of paper. You can have them draw shamrocks or at least use green makers or crayons.

Have your child glue the two strips of paper, to create a rim for their hat. Before closing up the strips of paper, I recommend sizing it against your child’s head to ensure a perfect fit.

Cut a green or white pipe cleaner in half. Have your child tape the pipe cleaners to the inside of their hat. Although glue can also be used, tape is less messy and a lot quicker.

Cut out at least four shamrock shapes on green construction paper.

Have your child glue two shamrock cutouts together. When the glue is still fresh, slide a pipe cleaner in between and press down hard. Repeat at least once or for as many pipe cleaners as you are using.

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