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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Preparing Your Child for Preschool – Preschool Field Trips

I know that many children are already starting to enter school this year, but that doesn’t happen until the beginning of September for my part of the area. If you have a little bit more time before you are going to send your child to preschool, if you plan on enrolling them in a preschool program this year, you may want to think about taking one last preschool field trip with them.

A while back, I outlined a number of great preschool field trips that you can take with your child. These preschool field trip ideas included petting zoos, zoos, parks, and local museums. Another preschool field trip that you may want to take is to a concert.

When it comes to concerts, many automatically think of nationally known musicians and $50 tickets. What is nice about using concerts as preschool field trips is that local concerts and local musicians will likely do. What you will want to do is pick up your local newspaper and see if any local bands are playing any free or even discounted concerts in your area. Most of those that perform in public places, such as parks, often have family friendly music; music that your toddler or preschooler would love dancing to!

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