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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tips for Finding and Getting Free Printable Preschool Worksheets Online

If you are interested in getting free printable preschool worksheets online, you may want to read some of these tips.

Tip #1

Many websites offer free printable worksheets that come in colored print or black and white print. Of course, you can print off any style that you want, but I always do black and white print, as black ink is cheaper than color ink. I usually quickly color in myself any pictures that need to be colored or let my daughter do so.

Tip #2

If you want to save money by being able to reuse the same preschool printable worksheets, I recommend buying page protectors. I actually buy what is referred to as photo sheet protectors and I get the 8 X 10 sizes, as they hold traditional computer paper. By having your toddler do the worksheets with a dry erase marker, you can easily wipe off each preschool worksheet page and use it again.

I also keep all of our worksheets in a three ring binder, so that it is easier to keep track of them all.

Tip #3

The other day I gave a list of a few of my favorite websites to get free printable preschool worksheets from. If you do your own searching, by way of standard internet search, you may come across some websites that charge you a monthly fee, a yearly fee, or even a small fee for each printable preschool worksheet that you want. The decision as to whether or not you want to pay for these worksheets is yours to make, but you should know that a large number of websites have similar worksheets available free of charge.

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